NYSFDA Webinar: Title: Bringing Children and Teens into the Funeral


  March 27th, 2024 at 1:00pm

  Virtual, link to be provided

Presenter: Megan Lopez, National Program Director, National Alliance for Children's Grief (NACG)

Join us as we explore strategies to bring children into the funeral. This presentation will address creating emotional support, educational opportunities and physical spaces within the funeral service and funeral home for children and teens. The information that will be shared, is from the National Alliance for Children’s Grief, is a network of childhood bereavement professionals and reflects best practices in supporting our youngest population. Funeral professionals often have the first opportunity to impact a child’s grief experience. From the initial point of contact through navigating the planning process and memorialization, funeral professionals have an opportunity to impact the grief journey and foster resilience in children and teens who are the adults of our future. Join us as together, we work to ensure that No Child Has to Grieve Alone.

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